
Dairy-free German Pancakes

In a blender add:


    • 1 cup water

    • 1 cup flour

    • 6 eggs

    • 1/2 tsp salt

Blend ingredients until thoroughly mixed.

Add 1/4 cup dairy-free margarine* to 9×13 pan in the oven and let melt.

When the oven is preheated, pour the ingredients from the blender into the hot melted margarine. Place in oven. Bake 20-25 minutes or until the pancake is golden brown and puffed up.

Serve immediately.

*Note. Nucoa margarine is my first choice. Coconut oil is very tasty, but you need to spray the pan with a nonstick spray before melting the coconut oil. Canola oil doesn’t stay very stable at the high temperature and ends up with an odd taste.


Fresh out of the oven—it deflates quickly, so enjoy it right away.

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