When I first found out that I could no longer eat dairy products, I didn’t know how to replace butter with other products. Non-dairy fats are sometimes hard to find at stores, or are very expensive, or they don’t taste at all like butter. I needed a fat source that the entire family could eat, fit my budget, and tasted good. I learned that with a little creativity I could cook without butter and still have delicious food.
- SHORTENING. My first try was shortening. I was able to get shortening that is dairy-free, and I used it for a while. Baking products like cookies and biscuits turned out great. However, there were two things I didn’t like about shortening: the trans fats from the partially hydrogenated oil and the mess. I don’t like scooping it out of the container and then having to scrub the measuring cups afterwards. It’s not really a big deal, but it was something that I didn’t enjoy. The shortening sticks were a new product and were a lot more expensive.
- CANOLA OIL. So, I decided to try canola oil in my baking recipes. I was impressed by the results. The batter would often be different in texture than with butter or shortening, but the finished product would have a nice texture after baking. I still use canola in a lot of my baking now. It is a healthier alternative to shortening, and the family can all eat the same food. It is also available at every grocery store I have ever visited. (I do realize that canola oil isn’t the perfect health food, but considering balancing a budget, avoiding allergy outbreaks, and eating healthier–it works for me).
- SPREADS. Lot of spreads and margarines contain whey, which don’t meet the non-dairy criteria. I have found some spreads that are dairy free, but they don’t use they don’t work well in some baking recipes because of the high water content. Some don’t taste like butter because they’re filled with healthy oils, and at this point in my life I would rather eat my biscuits dry than use a spread when I don’t like the taste. If I need fish oil I will take it in a pill, but I suppose I am biased because I am not a fish fan.
NUCOA. My favorite margarine that is completely dairy-free is Nucoa buttery sticks. Not all stores carry it, I have been able to find it at WinCo, Smith, Albertson’s, and other chains that carry the “essential everyday brand”. It is a little more expensive than dairy margarines, but it is cheaper than butter. It is the closest thing to butter that I have found.
(Update 3/14/2017: I can no longer find Nucoa buttery sticks. It seems company merged with Smart Balance, and phased out Nucoa. Now, what I can find in the stores is “Smart Balance dairy free Original.” This margarine actually reminds me more of butter than Nucoa, but it is also more expensive and comes in a tub instead of sticks that you can put on a butter serving platter. It passes the popcorn test–where melted and poured on popcorn, the popcorn stays crisp instead of turning soggy).
- COCONUT OIL. Another option I’ve started using is coconut oil. It is more expensive than most oils, but you can find it at lots of stores. If you want to buy in bulk you can try Tropical Traditions.com. Stores like Costco often sell coconut oil at a cheaper price than your local grocery store. I really like the baking goods made with coconut oil. Also coconut oil is a healthy choice. The health uses for coconut oil are seemingly never-ending. So, I would definitely keep it in my pantry.
- BACON FAT. And let’s be honest, sometimes dairy-free food is not as flavorful as food with dairy. I like cooking bacon and saving the fat and drippings from the bacon to cook other foods and boost their flavor with bacon grease-like fried potatoes.
- OLIVE OIL. I have come to love the taste of olive oil. Not all olive oils have the same taste, so if you find it too strong I suggest you start with a light olive oil that has a very mild taste. Then you could try some different brands and find your favorite We love doing blind taste tests at our house for fun to see which product is really our favorite. I enjoy roasted vegetables with olive oil or garlic toast with olive oil instead of butter. It is also fantastic on noodles or brown rice with salt and pepper.
These are tricks that have worked great for me. What kind of oils have you tried?
Thanks for this list of options to test out. I noticed that after years of eating foods without dairy, when I tried dairy again, I didn’t really like it anymore. I think butter tastes odd, and I’m happier without oils that imitate its flavor.
Thanks for this post!
I use tahini or nut butters as oils too I thin them with water if I want a runnier consistency. Black tahini is my favourite and so nourishing for the kidneys 🙂
Great idea. Thanks
[…] 1 Tbsp oil or dairy-free margarine, see Replacing Butter […]
[…] recipe, because oil is substantially cheaper than non-dairy margarine. (Read more about it in Replacing Butter) Today, I used canola oil, but I imagine that any oil will perform similarly. Some oils, like […]
hi, i just found your site and i am enjoying looking at all the recipes! thank you!!!! i was looking for dairy free cream puffs and your site popped up! i look forward to trying them over the labor day holiday! i did w30 at the beginning of the year and found that dairy causes breakouts on my face, it’s not worth it. i found this ghee that i love to cook with and sometimes add to my steamed vegetables and noodles and really enjoy the taste. i also sometimes add it when i grill fish instead of olive oil, and to my baked chicken too. i have not baked with it yet, so i’m not sure how that would go. i have a friend that makes her own, but i have not tried that either. my friend tried other ghee’s and she preferred the one below also. i’m not affiliated with the below brand at all, it has just become a staple in my pantry. just wanted to share.
Purity Farms Organic Ghee Clarified Butter is pasture raised
Lactose and casein free – Kosher; non-GMO
Thank you! I will look for it. I love trying new products and getting new ideas from people. I hope you enjoy the cream puffs.